- Richard Lion Heart comes to Rule Britain (French)
- 1066 Battle of Hastings
- 1066-87 Rule of William the Conqueror
- 1076 Irnerius rediscovers the Roman Digest of Law in Bologne.
- 1086 Doomsday book compiled for William the Conqueror.
- 1098 after 5mth siege Antioch falls to Crusaders.
- Ghengis Khan sweeps across Poland,Hungry defeating Europe's best.
- 1215 King John signs Magna Carta granting more liberty to his barons.
- 1314 Robert the Bruce crushes the English under Edward 11 at Battle of Bannockburn.
- 1347 The Black Death hits Europe. In less than 20 years 1/2 popn. of Europe dead.
- 1397 Medici start lending money internationally. Begins Italian Renaissance.
- 1429 English are defeated by French forces lead by Joan of Arc at seige of Orleans.
- 1450s Guttenburg develops 1st printing press.
- ? First books printed in English by Caxton.
- 1490s? Leonardo di Vinci
- Templars stamped out by the French
- 1492 Columbus discovers the Americas
- 1509 Henry 8th ascends the throne.
- Catherine of Aragon(d1536) - Mary1
- Anne Bolyne(ex1536) -Elizabeth1
- Jane Seymour(d1537) - Edward.vi
- Anne of Cleves (d1557)
- Catherine Howard (ex1542)
- Catherine Parr (d 1548)
- 1514 Copernia proposes that the earth rotates around the sun.
- 1515? Luther nails list on church door
- 1527? Death of Machiavelli.
- 1531 Henry 8th breaks from Rome to form Church of England.
- 1533 Atahualpa, king of the Inca, executed by Pizarro, after paying ransom of 1 room gold + 2 of silver
- 1547 Death of Henry 8th (b1509)
- 1547 Edward vi takes throne (1537-53)
- 1553 Rule of 'Bloody' Queen Mary i. (1516-58)
- 1558 Elizabeth i. reign. (1533-1603)
- 1564 (21.4) Shakespeare born
- 1566 French astrologer, physician & prophet Nostradamus dies.
- 1587 Mary Queen of Scots beheaded
- 1558 (23.7) British forces assemble to combat the Spanish Armarda.
- 1591 Galileo takes up of Prof. of Mathematics of Padua.
- 1603 James i (vi Scotland) takes crown. (1566-1625)
- 1611 Henry Hudson, famous for trying to find Asian route via Arctic, set adrift in Hudson bay by mutineers.
- 1613 The Globe Theatre burns down.
- 1616 (18.4) Death of Shakespeare (51yrs)
- 1619 First Africans brought to America by Dutch, the beginning of slavery.
- 1620 (21.12) Pilgrims go ashore from the Mayflgwer at Plymouth.
- 1625 Charles i. to throne. (1600-beheaded 1649)
- 1644 Cromwell's forces defeat British royalists..
- 1649 Charles ii.-restored 1660. (1630- 85)
- 1653 (16.12) Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector of England Scotland + Ireland.
- ?Reformation in England.
- 1666 Fire of London.
- 1688 William + Mary offered joint monarchy over England + Holland.
- 1687 Isaac Newton publishes Principia Mathematica, 20 years after apple.
- The Mayflower
- 1720s onward - good weather in Eng. for 30yrs.=popn. increase + slave trade money +.technology = industrial revolution.
- 1753 Benjamin Franklin flew kite to prove lightning was electricity.
- 1759 m2 chronometer perfected
- 1765 Watt patents steam engine
- 1767 James Hargreaves invents spinning jenny.
- 1769 Cook 'discovers' New Zealand
- American Declaration of Independence.
- 1769? Napolean Bonaparte born in Corsica.
- 1773 (16.12) American colonists stage Boston Tea Party.
- 1775-1817 Jane Austen.
- 1780s? Alessandro Volta produces 1st battery in Italy.
- 1789 (14.7)The storming of the Bastille marks the start of the French revolution.
- 1789 George Washington inaugurated,
- 1792 (30.11) British & Americans sign peace articles in Paris ending American Revolution.
- 1799? Napoleonic era
- Victory in northern Italy , Austria
- Victory (?) in Egypt.
- French lose almost entire navy to English near Alexandria.
- Napoleon named 1st consul
- Crowned as Emperor.
Silo Season 2, episode 9: What is the safeguard?
In "Silo" Season 2, episode 9, Lucas Kyle learns about something called the
safeguard. But what is it?
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