- Fire
- Wheel
- Weaving
- Metalwork
- Plough
- Writing (Sumeria, 3000BC)
- Printing press (Gutenburg 1458) - note: da Vinci refused to have his manuscripts typeset as he thought printing was a fad.
- Water frame (Arkwright) 1770 vs Spinning Jenny (Hargreaves) 1767
- Pulp paper (1798)
- Gatling Gun (1860s)
- Telecommunications (AG Bell, 1876)
- Engine (Niklaus Otto, 1877)
- Refrigeration (?)
- Plane (Wrights, 1903)
- Thermal Oil refining (W. Burton, 1913)
- Liquid fuel rocket (Goddard, 1923)
- Atomic bomb (1945)
- Computer (1946)
- Satellite (Clarke 1948, launched '58)
- The Pill (1961)
- The internet
- Theory of 4 forces - weak nuclear, strong nuclear, gravity, electromagnetic.
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