I've written before (perturbed of Port Melbourne?) about the money being made by the advertising and media industry from bogus anti-speeding advertising campaigns developed to allegedly prevent people speeding on Victorian roads (as opposed to cleansing the obvious tax raising nature of the speed cameras). Now the Victorian opposition have outed some further facts on the road safety impact of the massive increase in speed camera installations across Victoria (from a story by Clay Lucas in the Age, September 29, p3):

That would be nothing then.
$437m will be raised this year by the Victorian Government from speeding taxes, up from $397m last year. That buys a lot of government salaries and screwed up IT projects (don't even get me started) for Mr Brumby and his village improvement committee.
I suppose we should be delighted someone in Australia (other than the mining industry) can manage to grow their business in the Global Financial Crisis.
Click on the article to read the whole sorry thing.

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