- 14 Augustus dies aged 75 years.
- 14 Tiberius becomes Roman Emperor. Died 16.3.37 aged 78, loathed by his people.
- 33ish Ben Hur
- 37 Gaius (Caligula) Roman Ruler aged 24 - assassinated 24.1.41
- 37 Paul converted from persecutor of Christians to Missinary on the road to Damascus.&
- 41 Claudius (b1.10.10bc)
- 54 Death of Claudius - succession of his stepson Nero.
- 60 Uprising against Romans in Britian lead by Boudicca.
- 68 (8.6) end of Julio-Claudian line when Nero kills himself. Galba becomes Princeps.
- 68-69 The year of 4 Caesars. Nero, Galba, Otho, then Vespasian.
- 70 The great Temple in Jerusalem sacked by Roman troops, lead by Titus (son of Emporor Vespasian.)
- 79 Vespasian dies & is succeeded by son Titus. (First time 'natural' succession)
- 79 (24.8) Mt Vesuvius erupts.
- 138 Hadrian dies.
- 158 Taupo erupts
- 408 Roman legions withdraw from Britannia.
- 410 Collapse of Roman Empire with the sacking of Carthage.
- 500 King Arthur (regional leader) resists invaders at battle of Mt Badgn (Dorset).
- 622 Mohammed begins his flight from Mecca to Medina.
- 700ish? founding of Islam
- 711 Moors invade Spain.
- 750 Charlemagne ressurects standards of learning through monasteries with 7 principles of learning
- 860s onward. Beginning of the Viking invasion of England - which lead toward unification of kingdoms in resistance.
- 900(approx) Invention of the plough.
- 973 Edgar claims crown of England, Scotland & Isles. First United Kingdom.
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